Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina

Welcome to the Alleghany Jubilee

Sparta, North Carolina
Recorded schedule information: 336-200-4949
Contact the Jubilee

The Jubilee is moving to a new home.

It will take time to build our new place but we want to be sure to provide opportunities for the Jubilee Gang to get together and dance to our favorite old time music bands. For now, we will be meeting only on Saturday nights at the Sparta United Methodist Church at 190 N. Main St. in Sparta.

Unfortunately we will not be able to wear tap shoes at the church.

We will have a lot of setting up to do but we will do our best to start the music at 7. Please come and join us for family fun with Old Time music.

- Elizabeth and Ron Murray


If you love to flatfoot, clog, square dance or just tap your foot to old time mountain music, the Alleghany Jubilee is where you want to be!

The Jubilee is located in Sparta, a small town nestled in the mountains of northwest North Carolina.

We are handicap-accessible and family-oriented. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Kids are always welcome! Come join the fun!

Sat Night $10 per person
Children 12 and under admitted free

Doors open at 6:30

Saturday night live music and dancing will continue at our temporary location Sparta United Methodist Church beginning Jan 11, 2025.
Address 190 N. Main St., Sparta.

Monday and Tuesday night activities will return at the new building this summer.

March 1 - Threetop Serenaders
March 8 - Gap Civil
March 15 - The Hooligans
March 22 - The New Ballard's Branch Bogtrotters
March 29 - Slate Mountain Ramblers

April 5 - Left Over Biscuits
April 12 – Crooked Road Ramblers
April 19 – The Hooligans
April 26 – Yates Family Band

The Jubilee, as it's known here in Sparta, was originally located in the former Spartan movie theater. In 1994, Agnes and Ernest Joines reworked the interior of the historic building to be the original location of the Jubilee.

The Jubilee had to move from its long standing location on Main Street in 2025. Ron and Elizabeth Murray, with the blessing of Agnes Joines and Jack Joines, are moving the Jubilee and its love of Old Time Mountain Music to a future site on the Sparta Bypass.

Join us in carrying on the tradition of supporting Old Time Music, musicians and our dance community.

Like the Alleghany Jubilee on Facebook!

Follow us on Instagram @alleghanyjubilee


now available during Jubilee events!
T-shirts are $16 for sizes S, M, and L;
$18 for XL and 2X.
Hoodie sweatshirts are $28 for any size

Alleghany Jubilee was featured in a couple of promos for Visions of Alleghany: Old Time Music. Check them out! Promo 1 Promo 2

Globe Trekker The international program, Globe Trekker, shown in the United States
on PBS stations, visited the Jubilee Saturday May 12. Host Justine Shapiro
interviewed Ernest & Agnes and some of the Alleghany Jubilee regulars.

We were recently featured in this VisitNC video about Blue Ridge mountain music.

People in this region have been making music since they came here. Old-time, hillbilly- whatever you call it- it's in our blood and part of our culture.

Ernest Joines One Man Band

Ernest with his one-man band
on I’ve Got A Secret in 1961.

Ernest Joines was on the May 17, 1961, episode of I've Got a Secret. Check it out (and hear him play):

Alleghany Jubilee Welcome Sign

© 2010 Alleghany Jubilee Site by Imaging Specialists, Inc. Sparta, NC